What is expected of Holmen’s employees

Holmen sets requirements and has expectations of employees in order to ensure that the business objectives are achieved, and that legislation and collective agreements are complied with. The requirements and the expectations are supported by the management by objectives process, the Code of Conduct and Holmen’s values of courage, commitment and responsibility.

Holmen’s employees are expected to take personal responsibility for:

  • helping to ensure that the business objectives are achieved,
  • familiarising themselves with and complying with the rules that apply to the business,
  • performing their duties to the best of their ability and initiating improvements,
  • working together and exchanging information within and outside their own team,
  • contributing towards workplace health and safety, both physical and psychosocial,
  • being considerate of and respecting other employees,
  • engaging in personal development, improving their own skills and being interested in how others have solved challenges,
  • being open and approachable,
  • welcoming and giving feedback,
  • representing the company professionally and not acting in a way or expressing anything that is intended to damage Holmen’s business or brand.

In addition to their role as an employee, managers at Holmen are expected to also take personal responsibility for:

  • ensuring that the business objectives for the unit are met,
  • making their expectations of their employees clear,
  • ensuring the adequate competence for employees’ services,
  • ensuring the conditions for employees’ planned skills development,
  • setting objectives for the unit and applying the management by objectives process,
  • clearly setting out responsibilities and authority,
  • assessing performance and giving clear feedback,
  • communicating simply and clearly with employees and management,
  • involving employees,
  • developing behaviours in line with Holmen’s values,
  • ensuring the conditions for workplace health and safety, both physical and psychosocial,
  • combating discrimination, harassment and bullying and working for gender equality, diversity and equal treatment. 

Holmen’s core values

Holmen’s core values of courage, commitment and responsibility are tools for developing behaviours and making better decisions to achieve the objectives set. Feedback on behaviours must be given in the workplace day to day and at performance reviews.

Management by objectives

Holmen has a common model for management by objective where you, based on the expectations for the operations (wherever you may be in the organisation), set objectives, identify success factors for achieving the objective, define KPIs to measure change and create actions plans and follow-up.

Talent management

Every year each business area must draw up a talent management plan based on the current situation and future skills needs, in the short and the longer term.

In recruitment, vacant posts must be advertised outside Holmen but exceptions can be made if decided by CEO, head of Group staff, business area manager or manager who reports to the business area manager. All recruitment must be based on skills and personal suitability. No applicant may be discriminated against. Where skills are equal, priority is to be given to internal candidates and underrepresented groups. The Group’s tax director shall always be consulted prior to a decision to recruit if a position is placed in a country where the business area has no previous operations.

Holmen must have a systematic induction process for managers and employees.

At least one performance review must be held each year in which goals, performance, behaviours and plans for development are discussed and an opportunity for mutual feedback is provided.

Holmen is to place particular focus on nurturing the talent and commitment of employees who perform particularly well.

If an employee chooses to resign, the reasons for this decision must be followed up.

Freedom of association, union agreements and collaboration

Holmen must respect the rights of each employee to join, or refuse to join, a union or other organisations. Holmen is to work for good cooperation with the unions that represent the employees.

Gender equality, diversity and equal treatment

Holmen is to work for a work environment and a business culture founded on the equal value of all people. All Holmen’s employees must have the same rights, obligations and opportunities irrespective of sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation, age, nationality, political opinion, union membership, social background, health status or family responsibilities. Holmen must comply with Swedish law on gender equality and discrimination in all the countries in which the company operates, where these operations are run by Holmen. There must be no incidence of discrimination, harassment, abuse or threats in the workplace.

Pay, working hours and other terms of employment

Holmen is to pay market salaries and apply differentiated and individual pay setting, within the limits set by pay agreements, based on the difficulty and responsibilities of the position and the individual’s performance. The level of pay and pay reviews must be approved by the manager’s manager together with the respective HR department. Minimum wage requirements, statutory or contractual, must be complied with. Holmen’s employees must have a written contract of employment. Holmen must respect employees’ privacy and handle personal data in confidence and in accordance with GDPR. If Holmen terminates an employee’s employment, authorisation to negotiate must be given by SVP Human Resources before initiating a process.

Pension terms are to be premium-based. Corporate pensions will not be granted as a general rule and exceptions require a decision from CEO.

Employee benefits are to be appropriate and in line with the market. As a rule, employee benefits must be general and geared towards all employees or groups of employees. Individual benefits may only be approved in exceptional cases. Employee benefits must be approved by the business area manager after SVP Human Resources has been consulted.


Business travel must be appropriate and cost-efficient, and be conducted in a way that also ensures a safe and secure working environment when travelling.

Gifts to employees and internal hospitality

Gifts to employees, such as Christmas presents, souvenirs and anniversary gifts or equivalent, must be moderate in nature. Internal hospitality must have a clear purpose and be moderate in frequency and value. Both gifts and internal entertaining must comply with the local Tax Agency’s criteria so as not to give rise to taxation on benefits.

Health and safety

Holmen is to promote health and counteract damage. This implies that Holmen shall provide a good work environment that is safe in terms of physical, health-related and psychosocial aspects with the aim of being safe and injury-free.

Holmen’s employees shall no be affected by alcohol or drugs at the work place.

In case of workrelated events such as staff and business relation activities, use of alcohol may be permitted provided that it always is voluntarily, there are non-alcoholic alternatives and it is handled with care and sound judgement.

Social engagement and sidelines

Holmen’s employees are free to participate in clubs and societies, including political activities, but Holmen does not allow party-political activities to take place at the workplace. It must not be possible to interpret a personal political involvement as being endorsed by Holmen.

Employees may not conduct business or ancillary activities (sidelines) that compete with Holmen’s operations, or that may have a negative impact on the employee’s ability to perform their duties at Holmen. Sidelines must be agreed with the employee’s immediate supervisor.

Equipment, tools and other Holmen property

Equipment and tools are to be allocated as needed. Equipment and tools which Holmen provides to employees remain Holmen’s property, and must be treated with care. Holmen’s property may not be used for competing purposes or in any other inappropriate manner that risks damaging Holmen or for the gain of the employee themselves, their relatives or friends.

Holmen’s plant and equipment may not be used privately. Exceptions may be made following the decision of the business area manager, provided that the use does not incur a cost for the company or give rise to taxation on benefits.