Together with a supplementary request in 2019, the height of the wind turbines was increased and the consultation was repeated. New revised documents were submitted in October 2019.

In 2021, most of the investigations and inventories had to be redone as they became too old and adjustments based on the results were made at three locations of the wind turbines (turbine 7, 8 and 19). After that, the authorities have demanded further additions, but in the spring of 2022, the matter was finally announced.

The documents below are the consultation document, the posters that were available at the consultation in 2019 and the revised layout after all completed inventories in 2021. If you want access to additional material, you are welcome to contact us.


Blisterliden consultation material (in Swedish)

Blisterliden exempelkarta (pdf)

Samrådsunderlag Blisterliden

Planscher samråd (download zip)