Andreas Johansson, Sales and Marketing Holmen Paper

Andreas first came into contact with Holmen when he studied for mechanical engineer at Jönköping University. He then had a summer job in production department at Braviken's Paper Mill. Now he works in the Marketing & Sales Organization at Holmen Paper's headquarters in the middle of Norrköping. "The best thing about my role is the level of influence I have in my job, it's really freedom with responsibility," says Andreas

"If you have ideas, you are encouraged to act on them"

Andreas is in the middle of a leap between two positions at Marketing & Sales. In his current role as Production and Logistics Planner, he acts as a coordinator between Holmen's production units and sales organization outside Europe. He is responsible for moving paper from Sweden to customers and terminals using different logistics solutions. His coming position as a Business Analyst has a more analytical core focusing on analyzes of the market, customers, competitors and future products. The role also includes some controlling.

Andreas likes a high pace and the possibility to influence and contribute to development. "If you have ideas or development opportunities, you are basically encouraged to act on them. Start projects and run development projects, "he tells us.

"The areas of use are endless"

Andreas believes in Holmen's products. "We have our renewable raw material, the forest. The areas of use are basically endless. At the moment we are making paperboard, saw mill products and paper. In the future, we may produce printed electronics with fiber-based components or something completely different, "he concludes.