Erik, Jarmo & Andreas, Iggesund´s mill

Erik, Jarmo and Andreas are one of the teams on Iggesund's mass line 4. The guys work daily with running a process where they produce paperboard pulp from timber. They are a tight and committed team. In this video, they give their views on what is required for successful collaboration and teamwork.

"It is about motivation and committment within the team"

"The success of our teamwork is the result of working with the same people for a couple of years.", Erik begins. "We build confidence and create routines together."

"Good teamwork is built on a high level on knowledge. We have achieved this through knowledge sharing from Erik who has been here the longest." Jarmo continues.

"It is about motivation and commitment within the team," Erik says. "You can´t hid behind anyone. In order to learn and develop, you have to take the initiative in situations that arise."

"Good teamwork builds on trust"

It is apparent that the guys are tight and work well together. They continue each others thoughts and sentences and have a common view of what is required for them to succeed as a team.

"You must have a work climate where you´re not afraid of making a mistake," Jarmo stetes. " Since we don´t have the help of a simulator we have to do test while we´re in full production. Confidence and routine are the basis for the teamwork"

"We work well together. Our relationship is built on trust. We have the confidence to act on our own initiative. "agrees Andreas. "It is very important to feel that you can do that. This depends a lot on who you are working with and cohesion within the team."

"It makes us much like a family."

"We work with a mixture of weekdays, weekends and sometimes holidays. It makes us much like a family, so it´s important that it works. Not just in terms of knowledge but how we get along too," "says Erik. Both Andreas and Jarmo quickly agree.

"That's the way it should be and that´s how it is as regards to our work and our team," says Jarmo