Robin Collin-Karlsson, Business Developer at Holmen Forest 

Robin knew early on that he thrives in the forest and that's where he wants to work. Even before his studies he worked as a forestry driver. During the study period, Robin came into contact with Holmen, and as a result he worked both summers and did his thesis for the company. 

"I built up a contact network that was useful to me when I started working for Holmen"

"I gained a lot of experience from my summer job out in the forest and I built up a contact network that was useful to me when I started working for Holmen." Robin explains that he had a great deal of benefit from his summer job. "I would recommend students be open regards summer jobs. Try things you´ve never tried before even if you have to move to another part of the country. "

Robin's journey at Holmen Forest did not end there. When the studies had ended, he continued to work for Holmen full-time. "My first job after study was as a Production Manager in Västerås, where I was for a few years before moving to Hälsingland for a similar job in Hudiksvall. Nowadays I work as a Business Developer." says Robin.