Sustainability is taking responsibility for people and the environmental impact of our business, constantly finding new solutions and spurring our papers on to the next level. Frankly, there is no other choice.
Holmen Paper is part of the Holmen Group, a company that has its foundation in the forest’s ecocycle, transforming the raw material into everything from construction timber to innovative paper solutions for magazine, books and packaging. And on top of that there are the lower emissions that come from being able to ship our products by sea and rail. We are a sustainable and long-term actor, and here are seven examples of how.
As part of the Holmen Group, we have managed and taken care of our forests for over 400 years. And we have every intention of continuing to do so. It is important today, and it may be even more vital in the future. But not only is the forest a fantastic source of raw material, it’s home to many different plants and animals, not to mention its importance for us humans.
This is why long-term planning and sustainability of utmost importance. Like the 17 percent of Holmen’s total forest land we set aside for nature conservation purposes.
Holmen has a positive climate footprint. In fact, our business actually helps to reduce the total amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere – by almost 3 million tonnes per year. This is because our well-managed and growing forests store large quantities of carbon dioxide, as do our timber and wood products. And every year, the forest grows by more than we harvest. Sweden has twice as much forest today as it had 85 years ago. Additionally, our investments in biofuel-based energy production have significantly cut emissions of fossil carbon dioxide from our mills in recent years.
Many draw a distinction between paper and recovered paper, forgetting that both actually come from the same fibre. When used for the first time, it is fresh fibre, but as soon as the paper is recycled, it becomes recovered fibre. We believe in recycling. But a wood fibre can’t be re-used indefinitely – 5-7 times is the maximum. After that the fibre becomes too short and weak, and the paper can’t hold together anymore. Therefore, the paper recycling system constantly need the addition of fresh fibre-based paper.
Our paper mills in Hallsta and Braviken have a constant focus on improving energy efficiency and environmental performance. And we have come a long way. Hallsta paper mill, for example, recovers surplus steam from the paper machines and heat from the wastewater. This means that exhaust gases and carbon dioxide are no longer released from the chimneys.
Braviken also recovers a great deal of heat, with around 60 per cent of its thermal energy needs met using recovered steam. This energy recovery also reduces the need to burn oil, which has cut oil consumption at the mill by 80 per cent since 2005.
Our papers are made using fresh fibre from sustainably managed forests in Sweden. Guaranteed. Within the Holmen Group, we follow globally recognised standards for forest management and for dealing with energy, quality and the environment. All the standards are integrated into our business processes and are audited annually by internal and external specialists. Holmen Paper’s products are also certified.
For us it’s important to take care of our growing forests and manage our raw materials and ecosystems in an efficient way. We want to preserve the added value of products for as long as possible, not letting anything go to waste. Circularity is key, and we are proud to say that almost 100 per cent of all by-products and waste from Holmen’s activities is already processed and repurposed. Our production facilities recycle both chemicals and energy. Our own raw material is renewable, and our products eventually become the raw material in the recovered paper process. When the paper fibres have reached the end of their life, they become biofuel. All this makes Holmen Paper a natural part of a bio-based circular economy.