Fredrik Hjelm, Braviken´s sawmill, Holmen Timber.

"The best thing about my role is to meeting the people on the floor"

Fredrik works as a Production Manager at Braviken's sawmill, a role that involves much contact and cooperation with the employees in the various shift teams, which is something that fits Fredrik well. "The best thing about my role is meeting the people on the floor, the ones that do the job, working with them to make sure the mill runs smoothly." says Fredrik. "My main task is getting everyone involved in day to day tasks and developing the work that we do so that we make progress together and feel that we are contributing together."

 "To be there from the start appealed to me"

Fredrik has experienced a lot within Holmen. He started with a summer job at Braviken's paper mill, which later became a permanent position on one of the paper machines. Since then, Fredrik has continued his career as a Production Manager and was part of starting a new factory in Madrid. When Holmen decided to build a sawmill in Braviken, Fredrik wanted to take part of the development. "To be there from the beginning appealed to me, so I applied," says Fredrik. "Today I work as a Production Manager at Braviken´s procession plant. I am responsible for the three shift jobs that operate here."

"It´s a stable company that believes in long-term investments"

"The best thing about working at Holmen is that it is a stable company that believes in long-term investments. You can see that it will continue to thrive and grow as time goes on, " Fredrik concludes.