We are an industry, and making paper requires a considerable amount of raw material. Our raw material comes from our sustainably managed forests, and for each tree we harvest, we plant at least two new ones. And we do not harvest trees to make paper. The fibres we use come from the material that is left after we have made construction timber and other wood products.
But not only do we need fresh fibres, we also use water and chemicals. The water we use is reused several times in the production process. Either during the cleaning of wood chips and making pulp, or in the shape of steam for example in the drying process. Before the water is sent back to the sea, we clean it. All the waste water goes through a purification process, where we, with the help of bacteria, remove all pollutants. The water we return is actually less polluted than when it entered our facilities. Also, the sludge that remains after the purification is turned into biofuel or soil improvement.
We have ambitious goals regarding reducing CO2 emissions. Our paper mills have actually reduced the use of fossil fuels by 86% since 2005, and we will not rest there. We use HVO fuels in all vehicles at the mills, and we have high demands on the carriers that transport goods to and from our facilities.
Another important factor is the carbon footprints that we calculate for all our graphical paper products (according to the ten toes of the framework set up by CEPI). That is, we measure the emissions caused by our products as carbon dioxide equivalents, you can find carbon footprints for all our products here.
Being part of the Holmen Group, sustainability is always high on our agenda. Some might even say it’s in our DNA. Many of the efforts we do on an aggregated level are described in more detail at Holmen.com/sustainability.