Fredrik Lundberg Chairman. Djursholm. Born in 1951. Member since 1988. Master of Engineering and Bachelor of Science (Econ.). D. Econ h.c. and D. Eng. H.c. President and CEO of L E Lundbergföretagen AB. Other significant appointments: Chairman of the Board: Hufvudstaden AB and AB Industrivärden. Deputy chairman of Svenska Handelsbanken AB. Board member: L E Lundbergföretagen AB and Skanska AB. Own and related parties' shareholdings:1 679 448 shares. Shareholding of L E Lundbergföretagen: 55 244 000 shares.*
Carl Bennet Gothenburg. Born in 1951. Member since 2009. B.Sc. (Economics), Dr. Tech. h.c. CEO of Carl Bennet AB. Former President and CEO of Getinge AB. Chairman of the Board: Getinge AB, Lifco AB and Elanders AB. Other significant appointments: Board member of Arjo AB and L E Lundbergföretagen AB. Shareholding: 200 000 shares.*
Lars Josefsson Norrköping. Born in 1953. Member since 2016. M.Sc. in Engineering. Other significant appointments: Chairman of the Board: Ouman and TimeZynk. Deputy Chairman of Vestas. Board member of Metso. Shareholding: 5 000 shares.*
Lars G Josefsson Stockholm. Born in 1950. Member since 2011. M.Sc. in Engineering. Former President and CEO of Vattenfall. Other significant appointments: Board member of Brookfield Renewable Energy, Robert Bosch International Advisory Committee, Prorsum AG and Hand in Hand International. Member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA. Shareholding: 10 000 shares.*
Alice Kempe Torshälla. Born in 1967. M.Sc. in Forestry. Employed at the Swedish Energy Agency. Other significant appointments: Chairman of the Board: Kempe Foundations. Board member: SweTree Technologies AB. Own and related parties' shareholdings: 56 292 shares.*
Louise Lindh Stockholm. Born in 1979. Member since 2010. MBA. President and CEO of Fastighets AB L E Lundberg. Other significant appointments: Chairman of the Board: J2L Holding AB. Board member of Hufvudstaden AB and L E Lundbergföretagen AB. Shareholding: 200 000 shares.*
Ulf Lundahl Lidingö. Born in 1952. Member since 2004. B.A. in Legal Science and B.Sc. (Econ). Other significant appointments: Chairman of the Board: Attendo AB, Fidelio Capital AB, Ramirent plc and SHB Regionbank Stockholm. Board member: Eltel AB, Indutrade AB and Nordstjernan Kredit AB. Shareholding: 8 000 shares.*
Henrik Sjölund Norrköping. Born 1966. Member since 2014. M.Sc. in International Economics. President and CEO. Other significant appointments: Board member of Swedish Forest Industries Federation and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. Shareholding: 9 834 shares.*
Henriette Zeuchner Stockholm. Born in 1972. Member since 2015. President and CEO of Discovery Networks Sweden AB. Other significant appointments: Board member of the NTM Group. Shareholding: 1 600 shares.*